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- KPI Coaching & Training Session
This program is for everyone who wants to have coaching or training sessions about ROKS - Result Oriented KPI System and User Experience methods. Visit Ricardo Faria's Experience portal and watch our web series on KPIs in Design.
- Step 5 - Define
In this step we carefully record definition details for any aspect of the KPI that may be ambiguous and could affect the accuracy of that measure. We can also set targets for the KPI at this stage. . Precisely define measures and KPIs . Document known issues . Make definitions shareable
- Step 2 - Engage
If we fail to engage the correct stakeholders at the right time and in the right way, we may well have to repeat our work and risk completed disengagement. Key steps to engage stakeholders and assess the situation: . Identify key stakeholders . Develop communications plan . Develop a plan for mitigating resistance, hostility, or concerns
- Step 3 - Longlist KPIs
KPI Trees are an effective way to visually draft our ‘longlist’ of KPIs. We will not implement all of these KPIs, but it does give us a list of relevant candidates, all directly linked to the strategic objectives we identified in Step 1. . Draft ‘KPI Trees’ in stakeholder workshops . Run follow-up results mapping workshop . Redraft, review and sign off KPI Trees
- Step 4 - Shortlist KPIs
The KPI Tree step deliberately generates too many KPIs. In this step, we score each ‘candidate’ KPI based on Importance and Ease of Measurement. Those who have high scores for both are carried forward to the next step. Any which have high scores for Importance but low scores for Ease of Measurement are reviewed for potential future development. . Workshop shortlisting matrix . Agree ‘use, aspire or discard’ list . Develop
- Step 6 - Prototype
Once we have our shortlist of fully defined KPIs we consider how we will present those KPIs. This is usually through dashboards and reports. In this step, we use the principles of ‘design for understanding’ to create a series of mocked-up reports and dashboards for stakeholder review and approval. . Review existing reporting and dashboards . Run dashboard live prototyping sessions . Review and revise the draft dashboard/report . Approval
- ROKS - Results Oriented KPI System
The ROKS approach is a simple seven-step method for developing key performance indicators (KPIs). It involves identifying the core outcomes an organization is looking for, breaking those outcomes into two further levels of detail and then identifying the KPIs related to those results. KPI's in Design web series - KPI Tree This program is linked to Ricardo Farias' KPIs in Design web series which you can visit to learn more.
- Coaching & Training
Do you want to learn new KPI ROKS methods or any UX methodology? Click on the button below and book a free slot with me :)
- Step 1 - Clear Strategy
In Step 1 we look for clarity of purpose. We need to agree on what the organization is trying to achieve, broken down into clear, simple, high-level outcomes. . Review strategy documentation . Identify strategic objectives . Think about how will your KPIs be used. Why does strategy matter? Without a clear strategy to align our KPIs too, our KPI selection will be arbitrary. Crucially small errors in wording on the omission of critical additional strategic objectives can lead to catastrophe.
- Step 7 - Go live
Implementation is a critical element of the ROKS process. This step covers the usual project management considerations such as plan development, ownership etc. as well as common problems and their mitigations. . Develop buy-in through open sessions . Deal with issues with existing data . Seek user feedback and tweaks during nursery period . Hand over to ‘business as usual’ team
- Step 1
For those of you who will be writing articles to publish on Design in Focus (DiF), this post may be helpful to get you started. To start writing on DiF you need to first become a member. You can signup by clicking on Login. You should see a popup appear. Ensure that you select Join the network & community. We approve every sign up manually to filter out spam, bots, and other malicious type interactions. It may take a few days to get approval. This is the only reason that there is a required membership. We don't advertise to you, we don't allow affiliation paid marketing and or sponsorship in the members area. There are instances that we display other groups or organisations for example Ladies that UX, this is not meant as advertising in the regular sense, but informatising (if you accept that as a word) about things that have positive impact or value for CID people. Once your membership is approved and can complete your profile. Add a photo and some details so that other members can learn more about you when they read the article. Your article is visible to other members but also to the public. Only members can interact with you and only if you have set your profile to visible. If you also have an Experience Page, its advised to add a link to it for those reading on the public platform.
- Create Article
Visit and sign in with your user details. + Create new post *Please ensure that you are in the right navigation. The word post appears twice in the menu. Once below Forum, and once in the main navigation. Ensure that you select the second. The posts under the forum is specifically for forum posts and not editorial posts. On the top right corner click on + Create new post.
- Step 2
You will receive a confirmation email once your membership is approved. Keep this email starred for easy access to various parts of Design in Focus in one place. After you have completed the Member request and have been approved, you must signup as a collaborator, this way we can assign the permissions suited to your needs, as well as assign your profile with relevant badges.
- Header
Give your page a header. This header is automatically the article's name. *You may change that in the slug if you like, which we will explain later.
- Add content
Add some elements to the page to keep the article interesting. You can add all of the above types of content which includes photos, galleries, videos, gifs, polls, buttons and events. *PLEASE DO NOT use the adsense feature. It is not active and we do not want adds on our content.
- Assets
Use Design in Focus Assets or upload your own. If you would like to create assets, please visit the media kit portal to find our style guide, fonts, colours, photography, icons, graphics, and templates. Always ensure that what you create matches the Design in Focus platform look and feel to keep maintain it's professional appearance. If you do not know how to create assets, we have a psd (Photoshop) template that you may use. In our article Media kit for writers, you may find this file and instructions on how to use it. Don't worry if you don't have Photoshop because our instructions include a currently free tool. You also don't have to panic if you have never used the software. With our instructions it is simple and we have a video of under two minutes to prove it. Follow along and pause the video when it's going too fast. If you need any further assistance, please comment below and we will get help to you ASAP.
- Optimise SEO
On the basic SEO settings you can create a different slug if you wish. We suggest that you always keep it relevant to the article. The best practice is to use the tittle of your publication, followed by your name and another keyword or more. For example if your article tittle is : The importance of Design Systems Your slug could be the-importance-of-design-systems-by-candice-storm-identity-experience-designer-amsterdam
- Getting Started
For those of you who will be writing articles to publish on Design in Focus (DiF), this program may be helpful to get you started.
- Create cover and intro card
On the left hand pane find "Settings" in the nav menu. Upload or select a cover image and write a few lines about the article so that when people find it in the gallery that they know what it is about. You can also enable or disable commenting on this article. Enabling commenting is a great way to go for most articles because you can engage with your readers and hear from them as well as talk to them.
- *Only experienced publishers
We've included an article markup. You are welcome to add your own, but it is not needed.
- Publish
You are now ready to publish. Find the Publish button in the top right corner and publish.
- How to start publishing your editorial content
For those of you who will be writing articles, essays, reports, and interviews to publish on Design in Focus (DiF). This program will enable you to publish your content as well as provide some tools that may be useful if you're just starting.
- Select Language
Select your preferred language. If your language is not on the list, let us know and we will enable it ASAP.
- Manage Social share
Next manage the way that it appears on social media including LinkedIn, and Twitter.
- Translate *Not necessary
If you wish you may add translations. If you do not find your desired language let us know and we will enable it ASAP.
- Publish
On the top right corner you can choose to save, schedule or post your article. You may save it and come back to work on it later. You may schedule it to be published on a specific date and time. Or you may publish it right away. Congratulations! You have published your first article.
- Publishing Option 1. CMS Interface
When your CMS interface opens you will see a navigation menu on the left. *PLEASE NOTE. There is a bit of a confusion due to the naming, and we are working on it, but please be aware of the post in the menu. The first nav item is the Forum. There are posts that you may see, edit or create under the forum. Below that is another nav item named post. This is the article post library and where you may publish your articles.
- Gallery Post Settings
When you have completed writing and designing your article, please optimise it for publication. This will give you better results and make you more findable.