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Participant Example Adventurer

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Tell us about yourself and what you do. Write a little something about your career or a summary of your thoughts.
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Our Example participant Adventurer X has gone ballpointpens to the walls and is leveraging a couple of areas on the Design in Focus Platform.
Because he is a member of the platform, you can message him directly.
Adventurer X offers his mentoring services through this platform and has a dedicated group that you can join to talk to him and others interested in his services.
If you are wondering if his mentorship is something for you, check out this free programme he has published on this platform.

If you would like to see his mentoring methods in live action, you can join his live webinaars on this platform.
Well, if that's not enough, he also publishes interesting articles on this platform, here is an interesting one to read

Adventurer X is also a Board Member on this platform and contributes his insights championing Professional Empowerment through Defining our Mentoring and Training portal and product to enable professionals to reach their peers and stakeholders.
This was an example of the types of content that could go here, using a couple of functions in the 6 areas in Design in Focus, as a participant and member on the Adventurer Route.
The Adventurer Route is a route offered to those who contribute to the platform.
This Example was created for those who are considering which route to take and how the areas might fit together as inspiration on how their pages may appear.
This content strip is a Rich Content format, so if you are thinking of what can be added here, see how the links appear, next to this you can add photos and videos.

You can share files such as e-Books, templates and more.
You can make it as engaging as you like.
Visit Explorer X Example experience Portal to see an example of the explorer route, which is a lot less effort than the Adventurer route.
This Rich Content strip is the only section on the experience portals where we can add different media formats. All the strips below activate on the Experience portals based on the content published to our database.
The first content you see is the audio content if there is any.
The next section usually contain an inspirational quote or words of advice ideally from the participant. This is the image that pops up when the page is shared on social media. You can choose to design or direct your own ideas and words here of course.
The next section after that is the links section. The more links you add here, the stronger your SEO and discoverablity will get. The last two sections are your video and editorial content slots. The content only appears when we have published something. If you have not written anything, the editorial copntent section will not appear.

Participant Example Adventurer 1
Adventurer X

Participant Example Adventurer 3
Adventurer X

Participant Example Adventurer 2
Adventurer X

Participant Example Adventurer 3
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VIP Member.

Request membership and join my mentoring group where you can find more info, links, events, and training. Follow me and let's have a chat.

No more London Gray Skies, We're Green