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Design im Fokus >Areas 


Es gibt 6 Hauptmöglichkeiten, sich auf der DiF-Plattform zu engagieren, die den verschiedenen Rollen gerecht wird, um Werte zu schaffen, indem CID-Stakeholder befähigt werden, indem sie nicht nur den Wert und die Auswirkungen von CID in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft demonstrieren, sondern CID-Experten auch die Werkzeuge und Ressourcen zur Verfügung stellen, um weiterzukommen Definieren Sie diesen Wert und diese Wirkung. 

the 6 areas of engagement of design in focus


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Events, Events, Events. Not one, not two, but three meeting points for events.

the 6 areas of engagement of design in focus


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All content created in all media forms are added to our four galleries and digital channels.
Audio Gallery | Video Gallery | Visio Gallery | Editorial Gallery.

the 6 areas of engagement of design in focus

Networks & Communities

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All around the world Creative | Innovators | Designers are building networks and communities surrounding their passions. Join them!

the 6 areas of engagement of design in focus

Experience Portals

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What if a video is not enough, or a single article lacks the capacity to tell a story? For that we have Experience portals.

the 6 areas of engagement of design in focus

Members Area

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Not only can you network and engage with other members, but when you're a content (co) maker & author on DiF, this is the place to be.

the 6 areas of engagement of design in focus

Training & Mentoring

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Training & Mentoring made simple, in this area there are many ways to upskill, learn & explore.

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