Ang Madsen
Information architect and UX'er
About Angela
Information architecture is an abstract, specialized skillset. It’s also a skeleton key for the intersection of people and information. Having spanned content management, UX design/research, and information architecture role titles, the way I leverage my IA skillset has deepened and abstracted over time, and I can trace some of the skills all the way back to college.
My practice is about people working with information, with the details more telling than the structure (i.e., bottom-up data understanding), and constructing for people as our in-search-of-x selves. My work tends to see not only the next step, but the n likely steps after that to get to a goal state, and likely pivot points where the goal state should be double-checked -- including ecology-level shifts. People are complex. Information is complex. Integrating both doesn’t shift the complexity by role; only the output shifts. While a simple dimension is always included in the goal, it's as an entry point.