Design in Focus #CID is a multimedia channel and professional platform demonstrating the value & impact of CID in business & society, through creating and publishing multimedia such as podcasts, shows, infographics and articles. CID refers to Creative | Innovation | Design.

Mission & Vision
Take a moment and look around your space, how much of what you see has not been created, innovated and or designed? It's very safe to say, even if made poorly, almost all physical matter around you has been created by design. This is our world.
We needed a warm place to sleep, so we created beds. We wanted comfort so we innovated materials to provide warmth, comfort, support. We want our beds to look inviting so we design an array of models.
Everything around you made by man which you can't live without follows the same pattern. There exists a need, and that need is met with creative problem solving and design thinking, and often innovation to deliver the best possible solutions to that need, this creates good business too, and serves society.
Design in Focus' Mission is to demonstrate the Value and Impact of CID in Business and Society, through publishing multimedia content and providing a platform for CID professionals and stakeholders to add value and impact.
Our Vision is to become a corner stone and an enabler for the collective to demonstrate their own contributions to the Value and impact of CID in Business & Society.

Design in Focus was founded by Candice Storm in May 2022 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. After the first idea was sparked, she conducted a brief market study and contacted several professionals. Having received positive feedback and responses to support potential she developed the concept further, and began to create and produce the MVP.
Since September 2022 Candice has been working on finalising the platform and various elements & documentation preparing for the inception of a foundation. The decision to give Design in Focus a foundational form is based on the goals and objectives of DiF, which aims to gather all CID industry related topics and events which adds value and impact to business and society, and this is extended to the professionals who make up the industry.
You can request to become a member of our professional platform. It's free and unlike some other platforms, we don't use your data or personage in any way other than to strengthen the CID professiona and industry. When your request is approved you can join some of our groups on this topic, or you can create your own.

Here are some groups to join.
We have several dedicated groups and groups can be created by our members. We have general interest groups and we have more dedicated groups. We support Networks & Communities by creating groups for them, and we enable CID professionals to create and manage their own groups on the platform, as well as to publish events and live streaming. We also enable Mentors and Trainers to create their own groups and programs.